Mindset Alignment
Success Mindset Alignment Package
Why do some people succeed so easily and others who try so hard fall short?
Why are some people so very successful at whatever they do when others keep on making one failure after another.
Is this simply down to Luck? Can this be dismissed by some people are just luckier than others?
Two individuals both in the same business! One is much more successful than the other! What exactly is the one who is successful doing differently?
In one word it’s Mindset.
Do you feel stuck? Like someone is blocking you from succeeding?
Are you self sabotaging you own success?
You are trying to get to the next level; you know where you want to be in life and in your career but there seems to be something stopping you from obtaining it!
Do you want to transition from working a corporate job to being self employed but don’t know where to start?
Maybe you want to follow your passion and make a career out of what you love doing?
Is this like you?
Does procrastination, self sabotage, imposter syndrome seem to rule your life?
Do you over think everything and find an excuse to justify not getting on with it right away? Or even talk yourself out of it altogether?
Do you struggle taking risks or taking advantage of new opportunities?
Do you over think everything and not take enough action?
Does negative self-talk hold you back?
Does everything have to be perfect before you can do it?
Is it hard for you to identify your true passions and strengths and align them with your goals and desires?
Do your Limiting beliefs stop you achieving the success you deserve?
Or are you stuck earning less than you are worth because of money blocks?
Is your lack of confidence and fear of visibility stopping you promoting your business?
Do you have a fear of posting yourself on Social Media?
Maybe you feel different, want to find your place in the world and every job you have ever done just does not fulfill your needs?

Is this like you?
Does procrastination, self sabotage, imposter syndrome seem to rule your life?
Do you over think everything and find an excuse to justify not getting on with it right away? Or even talk yourself out of it altogether?
Do you struggle taking risks or taking advantage of new opportunities?
Do you over think everything and not take enough action?
Does negative self-talk hold you back?
Does everything have to be perfect before you can do it?
Is it hard for you to identify your true passions and strengths and align them with your goals and desires?
Do your Limiting beliefs stop you achieving the success you deserve?
Or are you stuck earning less than you are worth because of money blocks?
Is your lack of confidence and fear of visibility stopping you promoting your business?
Do you have a fear of posting yourself on Social Media?
Maybe you feel different, want to find your place in the world and every job you have ever done just does not fulfill your needs?
Align your beliefs & desires
Unless you can find a way to change your beliefs about what you can and cant do to achieve your goals you will continue to go around in circled unlikely to ever reach the potential that could gain you the success you feel you deserve. Are you feed up with working really hard but still feeling unfulfilled and unsuccessful; While other people seem to effortlessly achieve greatness!
I know how this feels and to also feel unworthy of success. That’s why I want to help you discover the things that are holding you back, keeping you stuck and help you create a new success mindset. The negative beliefs that stop us from reaching our full potential are stored deep in our subconscious mind. When the beliefs that you have about yourself at a subconscious level are not aligned with the desired goals you have for yourself; obtaining that goal will feel like driving a car with one foot on the brake and one on the accelerator at the same time. Your conscious mind tries to drive you forward but your subconscious mind’s beliefs slams the brake down hard.

RTT is rapid, effective and permanent.
Your mind needs to be reprogramed so you can finally get the results you deserve.
The way you show up every day is driven by your beliefs which are controlled from your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your mind and your conscious mind is only 5%. This is why trying to change your life using your conscious mind and will power alone just doesn’t work. To change your mind permanently you have to access your subconscious beliefs. This is why RTT is so effective.
RTT is very different to most other therapy. It uses regression hypnotherapy to identify the root cause of your problem and uses techniques to interrupt your patterns of behavior and then reinstall new positive beliefs.

RTT is rapid, effective and permanent.
Your mind needs to be reprogramed so you can finally get the results you deserve.
The way you show up every day is driven by your beliefs which are controlled from your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your mind and your conscious mind is only 5%. This is why trying to change your life using your conscious mind and will power alone just doesn’t work. To change your mind permanently you have to access your subconscious beliefs. This is why RTT is so effective.
RTT is very different to most other therapy. It uses regression hypnotherapy to identify the root cause of your problem and uses techniques to interrupt your patterns of behavior and then reinstall new positive beliefs.
In this package I will personally guide you 1on1 with three RTT session over a 90 day period to discover the beliefs that hold you back; reframe those old beliefs and help you create a new positive mindset for success.
By aligning your subconscious beliefs with your conscious desires you can be free to move forward with confidence towards success.
RTT is a hybrid therapy that used the most effective elements of Hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, Neuroscience and neuroplasticity.
RTT quickly gets to the root of the issue for fast effective transformation.
“Belief without talent can take you further than talent without belief.
But when you have both, You’re unstoppable”
This package will:
Discover the root causes, the very reasons why you are not getting the levels of success you deserve.
Remove the negative beliefs that are holding you back.
Empower you to take action and move forward in your life towards your goals.
Align your conscious desires with your subconscious beliefs.
Learn the rules of the mind which will help you hack your mind for success.
Build confidence and self esteem so you can embrace new opportunities and approach new challenges much easier and more willingly.
Help you develop a successful mindset.
Using Neuroscience and the principles of neuroplasticity your mind can be reprogramed with new positive beliefs.
Get you clear about your desired goals and what you want to manifest into your life.
Developing a positive mindset is so important. We will work on developing a positive attitude towards success and achievement.
When you change your beliefs about what is available to you the mind expands and starts noticing new opportunities so you can then take action to turn them into reality.
Once you have decided to purchase this package you can make payment via our website or by bank transfer (if paying by installments).
You will need to fill in the short digital customer intake form which can be found at the bottom of the website or I can email you a link if required.
This form gathers relevant information that is required to carry out the sessions and ensures the best possible outcome for your session.
We can then discuss a suitable date for your first pre-session intake consultation and your first Main RTT Session.
The pre-session intake is for 60 minutes and we discuss the requirements to set you up for success in your main session.
The main RTT Session is approximately 120 minutes long and this is where we identify the root cause of your issues, reframe and transform your beliefs.
The transformation created at the end of your session is recorded and you will be sent this 15-20 minute audio recording by email or whatsapp.
The audio is for you to listen to every day for the next 28 days or until your next main RTT session.
You must listen to this recording everyday without exception to get the best possible results.
The package is for 90 days which is effectively broken down into three separate 30 days sections.
Each 30 days you will have an initial intake consultation, a main session, a new transformational audio recording and post session coaching.
All sessions take place online via Zoom so you can be anywhere is the world and experience this life changing process.
Are you ready to
discover what is blocking you from your success
and be free to create a more fulfilling life?

Success Mindset Alignment
90 Day RTT Hypnotherapy Package
1 x Pre-session hypnosis mp3 audio recording
3 x 60 minute intake consultation (one each 30 days)
3 x 2 hour Rapid Transformational Therapy main session (one each 30 days)
3 x 60 minute Mindset and Goal setting session (one each 30 days)
3 x Post session hypnosis Audio mp3 recording (one each 30 days)
1 x Relaxational Hypnosis Audio with Theta background music
1x 90 days of support via Whatsapp, message or email