Unlock Your Inner Potential
Life changing results
RTT Hypnotherapy
An innovation Hybrid Therapy
Combining the most effective principles from hypnotherapy,
Psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, Neuroplasticity and Neuroscience
Solution focused method
Therapy just should not take years; and the Rapid Transformational Therapy method focuses on delivering tangible results. RTT was founded by the internationally award-winning hypnotherapist Marica Peer, which she developed based on her 30 years of successful therapy.
Gets to the route cause of the issue
RTT has the ability to uncover the root cause quickly,
helping clients make sense of their issue & symptoms.
What is Rapid Transformational Therapy?
Who would benefit from Rapid Transformational Therapy?
I helping individuals overcome issues including stress & anxiety, lack of confidence or belief in themselves, overcoming Imposter syndrome, low self esteem, continuous procrastination (over thinking and under action), self-sabotage, fear of public speaking and showing up on social media.
Anyone and everyone who wants to remove unwanted limiting beliefs that are effecting your quality of Life. If you have an issue that you can’t seem to shift Rapid Transformational Therapy is for you.
There is a huge list of areas which RTT Hypnotherapy delivers incredible results:
Stop smoking
Compulsive behaviour
Sleeping Problems
Career issues
Panic attacks
Sexual issues
Exam performance
Self image
Public speaking
Sports performance
Negative self image
Self Esteem
People pleasing
Stop smoking
Compulsive behaviour
Sleeping Problems
Exam performance
Self image
Public speaking
Career issues
Panic attacks
Sexual issues
Sports performance
Negative self image
Self Esteem
People pleasing
The Science Behind Rapid Transformational Therapy
RTT deals with your beliefs and feelings at the subconscious level. This is where all your learned experiences are stored. Your subconscious mind is like your autopilot where you do things without consciously knowing what you are doing. It is the experiences stored in your subconscious mind that shapes your world by how you feel and react to circumstances and events in your daily life.
Your subconscious mind is like a software program that runs your life. The software are the beliefs in the subconscious which is like an unconscious autopilot or navigation system for your life; whether you realise this or not it runs your show. When you try to change direction in your life, using your conscious mind you are very limited to what changes you can permanently make.
In order to create permanent, real change you will need more than your will power or determination; you will need to connect and reprogram your mind at the subconscious level.
What is Neuroplasticity?
It is the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections in response to learning new things or having new experiences. Neuroplasticity, also known as neural plasticity or brain plasticity, is the ability of neural networks in the brain to change through growth and reorganization. It is when the brain is rewired to function in some way that differs from how it previously functioned.
Permanent positive change with Neuroplasticity
During a RTT session Clinical hypnotherapy techniques are used to access the subconscious mind using a rapid induction. A powerful audio transformational recording is tailor made for your specific needs. These transformational suggestive audios create a new internal software in your subconscious mind; like planting new seeds in your mind the ideas take root as you listen in a receptive state (Alpha & Theta brain waves) of mind over a period of time.
Your mind learns by repetition and by repetitively listening in a receptive state (Alpha & Theta brain waves) at a deep subconscious level your neural pathways will change. Neural pathways are like grooves in your mind. So you can be free from unhelpful patterns of behavior to create new effective positive patterns of behavior. Completely changing the way you think, feel and take action in your life.
Healing your Inner Child Trauma
If you are struggling to make positive changes in your life, it maybe because your subconscious mind has responded to an unpleasant event in your childhood and created a coping mechanism, and using a computer as an analogy, installed a faulty software program. The program may show up in your life as a trauma or stress and create negative looping thoughts in your mind. Repeating the same negative patterns time and time again. Despite the fact that you are an adult now your wounded inner child part of you keeps you repeating the same negative patterns over and over again. Your minds job is to keep you alive and to keep you safe. Your subconscious mind will do this which is normally at odds with the current plans, actions and desires of your conscious mind. A good example of this is if you experience a negative event in your childhood when you were speaking to a group of people; your subconscious mind will remember how this event caused you distress (even if your conscious mind has forgotten it long ago). Your mind will create a coping mechanism moving you away from speaking in public which it remembers cause you so much mental and emotional harm. So even if you consciously really want to talk up on social media or make an amazing presentation, your subconscious mind will cause you to have incredible nerves or anxiety because it believes it is keeping you safe and away from harm. This is where Rapid Transformational Therapy can help.
“Neurons that wire together fire together.”
Key states of mind
Beta Brain Waves 12-32 Hz
Concentration & Learning
This is an alert state of mind that we are in most of our waking times. Beta brainwaves are involved in conscious thought and logical thinking. When in an active conversation, doing a speech, learning, studying, engaging at work you are in beta.
Alpha Brain Waves 8-12 Hz
Slower Brainwave patterns
Alpha state is when people feel relaxed when the brain is idle without concentrating on anything. This is when you start thinking about what you are thinking about, relaxation & reflection is in the alpha state. When in Alpha your brain starts to move beyond your analytical mind. In the alpha state you are entering the operating system where all your subconscious programs, habits and behaviors exist. The alpha brainwave is the initial state for hypnotherapy being a very open and suggestible state of mind. We access alpha in our natural daily cycles. During the evening when we are dropping asleep and in the morning when we are waking up we are in an alpha state of mind. Alpha is a very natural healing state of mind.
Theta Brain Waves 3.5-7.5 Hz
Very Slow Brain Wave activity
This is a deep hypnotic state of mind and a deeper state than Alpha. Theta is also a very natural state of mind that we access daily just like Alpha. Theta is the state of heightened suggestibility; a dream flow state of mind; when the analytical mind is switched off. In theta you are able to accept, believe and surrender information without analysis.
Delta Brain Waves 0.5-4 Hz
Really deep healthy healing sleep. The slowest brain wave dreamless states of sleep.
What does hypnosis feel like?
You will feel very safe and very relaxed. Hypnosis is a totally natural state of mind. You go into a hypnotic state which is an Alpha and Theta brain wave every day. When you wake up in the morning first thing and when you go to sleep at night; your mind passes through this very relaxed states of mind. You are always in complete control and can come out of hypnosis whenever you choose
How long does it take to get results from RTT?
The experience of change is different for everyone. As a general rule you will experience the changing effects of RTT Hypnotherapy in three ways:
Immediate: Some people may have a massive shift and feel completely different straight after a session.
Cumulative: You will experience this kind of change over a period of time. Noticing you are changing over days and weeks after the session.
Retroactively: You may change retroactively when you do not really notice you have changed but as time goes by you will suddenly realise you are doing things differently then before you had then session. You notice you can act in a way that you couldn’t before the session.
How many sessions will I need?
Usually between 1 -3 sessions. Which will depend on the serverity of the issue that is being treated. RTT is powerful and does get results fast; it can create huge shifts and break throughs in your life from the first session. Some clients may need more than one session on the same subject issue if the problem is more deep rooted. Inorder to get effective results the client must fully engage with the process. The RTT therapist is the guide and all the information comes from the client. Many clients experience such an amazing transformation that they choose to have more sessions working on other areas of their life.
What happens in a Rapid Transformational Therapy session?
You are guided through a verbal induction into a relaxed state of hypnosis. In this highly relaxed state your mind is highly suggestible and your subconscious mind is accessible. We revisit several scenes from your past which your mind has been prompted to be the root causes of your issue. Using special subconscious questioning styles and techniques you are guided to interpret the beliefs associated with the root cause of your issue. You are then guided to let go, release and remove these beliefs that have been holding you back. The mind does what it thinks you want it to do; once the old outdated beliefs are removed, we now upgrade your mind with new positive suggestions which help your mind form new beliefs inline with what you want. The transformational recording is sent to you by whattsapp or email after the session. You then play this audio for at least 21 days. Your mind learns by repetition and in a receptive state the recording will wire into your mind new positive beliefs.
How is Rapid Transformational Therapy different to counseling, psychotherapy or standard hypnotherapy?
Rapid Transformational Therapy is very different to talk therapy. With talk therapy you spend weeks, months or years talking over the problem. Going over and over your issues. With RTT you are fixing the issue in a much shorter time frame. Standard hypnotherapy is mostly suggestion therapy in alpha state of mind; with RTT we are finding the root cause of your issue and removing it and then creating new beliefs with transformational suggestions.
Is a session on zoom as effective as an in person session?
Yes research suggests that you get the same results on zoom. Plus you get the added benefits that you don’t have to travel to or from the therapy room. After the session you can relax instantly in your own comfortable space